July was four weddings, two graduates, and too many families to count! I am blessed, there are no other words. While the last month was jam-packed, August is my summer. Dustin and I are leaving the country for a few weeks and heading down to South America! Wish us luck as we take on the higher altitude. Make sure to follow our adventures on Instagram @beards.and.bikinis
Reading: Nothing! I have been so busy that I just crash as soon as I hit the pillow at night.
Watching: Big Brother. Summer classic.
Working on: Currently getting galleries out and trying to edit weddings at the same time.
Listening to: The Liberated Woman Podcast.
Wearing: Joe Fresh tank and Lululemon crops…going in the garden soon.
Anticipating: The South America trip…we are pretty awful planners.
Drinking: Chai Tea Latte from The Sweet Cup.
Planning: Haha what is that. Just kidding…kind of…Hopefully a new work venture soon.
Inspired by: All these amazing wedding photog’s that I follow on Instagram. I’m already getting excited for next season.
Celebrating: Some amazing friends who tied the knot this past month.
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