White Fox Fall Engagement Session |Tyson & Samantha
I met Tyson & Samantha out at their house for some in home shots and then we ventured outside the town. These two are tying the knot this summer and I cannot wait to experience the Saskatchewan sunset with them. For updates on the latest and greatest, SUBSCRIBE HERE.
Nipawin Newborn Session | Baby Daxon
Welcome to the world, Baby Daxon. You are so loved.
Our Story – The Celebration
Here we are. We made it! The wedding prep started a few weeks out with my most amazing Mother-in-law. Theresa had owned Nipawin Florist for the last decade and I guess you could say our wedding was the last hurrah before she officially sold. Am I a lucky Bride or what! Check out some of…
Our Story – The Planning
Welcome to Part 2 of our wedding journey! If you want to read more about how Dustin and I got engaged, HEAD TO PART ONE. I’ll be honest with you and say it right now. I’m a girl, I’m TYPE A, and I love a well done event. So planning a wedding day was right…