I don’t even know where to start with this post. I guess I’ll just say it. My Mom is gone. She lost her battle with cancer on February 23rd, 2017. I think I am still processing as it seems to not have really hit me yet. I’m sure I will write about it more down the road, but for now all I can say is she is gone. The last few months of her life she fought bravely & without complaints. I dreamt last night that she came back & I was able to have her for one more month. If only.
Reading: Her Fearful Symmetry by AUDREY NIFFENEGGER
Watching: Netflix. An array of hilarious movies to put me in a good mood.
Working on: Client Sessions. I had some amazing family sessions in this snow a couple of weeks ago.
Listening to: A special playlist I made for Mom.
Wearing: Leggings & a plain t-shirt. Comfy is the go to these days.
Anticipating: Dance competition. The first of the season is this coming weekend.
Drinking: Wine. A lot of wine.
Planning: New catalogues for my families, seniors, & lifestyle clients!
Inspired by: My dancers. They have impressed me lately with their commitment & maturity.
Celebrating: Mom.
Missing: Mom.
4 responses to “Now Trending | March 2017”
Sending huge hugs to you, Jillian and your Dad. Thinking of you so much each day. Your Mom was a wonderful friend that I miss dearly and will always remember. It is hard to believe she is not with us anymore but her spirit lives on in you and Jill.
I feel for you. Our hearts are heavy for you and your family! Keep your chin up many of us were blessed to have been a part of her life. TAKE CARE…
Elaine and I went to school together. I know her smiles, laughter, one of the kindest hearts around, fun loving, non judgmental and loved your dad dearly!!!!
I know you already know this! I pray for you and the rest of your family, I know the the healing time will come in waves. Ride the waves, enjoy every moment of every memory that is sure to pop into your mind. Keep her alive and healthy in your heart. Your mom will always occupy that little room, feel free to visit her often and tell her of your days. She knows you love her, and miss her.
Take time for you. God Bless
Hi Sarah. I went to school with your Dad and Mom. She was such and beautiful person. You are so lucky to have all the love and memories to reflect on. Hold them close. Condolences to all of you..